Create a Long-COVID Strategy

At least one in 10 people experience COVID symptoms on a long-term basis. Doug Ford and his government need to recognize the serious effects that Long COVID is having on individuals, families, communities, and our healthcare system. It’s time for Ontario to create a Long COVID Strategy. This strategy must include the following aspects:

  • A Long COVID Task Force with representation from individuals with lived experience, health care experts, and disability advocates.
  • Financial support for research and development of therapies and treatments for Long COVID.
  • The creation of Long COVID Clinics across the province to create a single treatment window for patients.
  • Expansion of the Ontario Disability Support Program and Workplace Safety and Insurance Board protocols acknowledging the impact of Long COVID diagnoses.
  • An awareness campaign for employers regarding their obligation to provide accommodations for employees affected by Long COVID and other disabling conditions.
  • Data Collection to better understand the prevalence of Long COVID in the province.

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